Thirty-one is a Prime number, one that is divisible only by one – and, of course, itself. Hence, the moniker Prime 31. It’s named for the 31 players we think best illustrate the talent level on the Peninsula. In digging into the rosters – and the stats – we found power pitchers, power hitters and powerful presences in their respective dugouts. They represent a solid cross section of private school pedigrees and the nose-to-the-grindstone public school kids who are making themselves seen and heard just as loudly. It’s an impressive list that took hundreds of hours of conversation and sometimes heated debate to compile and complete. It’s meant to inspire conversation and perhaps even more debates.
PRIME 31 Players | 31-26
Thirty-one is a Prime number, one that is divisible only by one – and, of course, itself. Hence, the moniker Prime 31. It’s named for the 31 players we think best illustrate the talent level on the Peninsula. In digging into the rosters – and the stats – we found power pitchers,

PRIME Players: 25-21 | Peninsula Prep Baseball
Thirty-one is a Prime number, one that is divisible only by one – and, of course, itself. Hence, the moniker Prime 31. It’s named for the 31 players we think best illustrate the talent level on the Peninsula. In digging into the rosters – and the stats – we found power pitchers,

PRIME 31 Players | 20-16
Thirty-one is a Prime number, one that is divisible only by one – and, of course, itself. Hence, the moniker Prime 31. It’s named for the 31 players we think best illustrate the talent level on the Peninsula. In digging into the rosters – and the stats – we found power pitchers,

PRIME 31 Players | 15-11
Thirty-one is a Prime number, one that is divisible only by one – and, of course, itself. Hence, the moniker Prime 31. It’s named for the 31 players we think best illustrate the talent level on the Peninsula. In digging into the rosters – and the stats – we found power pitchers,

PRIME 31 Players | 10-8
Thirty-one is a Prime number, one that is divisible only by one – and, of course, itself. Hence, the moniker Prime 31. It’s named for the 31 players we think best illustrate the talent level on the Peninsula. In digging into the rosters – and the stats – we found power pitchers,

PRIME 31 Players | 7-5
Thirty-one is a Prime number, one that is divisible only by one – and, of course, itself. Hence, the moniker Prime 31. It’s named for the 31 players we think best illustrate the talent level on the Peninsula. In digging into the rosters – and the stats – we found power pitchers,

PRIME 31 Players | 4-2
Thirty-one is a Prime number, one that is divisible only by one – and, of course, itself. Hence, the moniker Prime 31. It’s named for the 31 players we think best illustrate the talent level on the Peninsula. In digging into the rosters – and the stats – we found power pitchers,

PRIME 31 | No. 1 | Quinten Time
After hours of heated debate -- is it the shortstop from Serra or the one from Mitty? (both were also deserving) -- Valley Christian senior Quinten Marsh was our consensus pick.